VICE采访了杰西·艾森伯格、 伊莫珍·波茨以及导演Lorcan Finnegan。这部电影无意间预测了人们在新冠期间的生活。
作者 Al ex Zaragoza
“我们大概会在…沃尔玛…休息吧?我从没开过这种车所以我猜应该可以停在沃尔玛过夜。至少我是这么听说的。”现年36岁的演员这样告诉我。他们的旅程应该会拥有一个(希望能)与其在剧中和虚拟妻子所遭遇的截然不同的结局。这部噩梦般的科幻恐怖电影由爱尔兰导演Lorcan Finnegan指导,并于去年在戛纳电影节放映,现在已经可以在数字平台上下载购买。
导演Finnegan在3月初的电话中解释道: “他们(剧中人)看似满足了购房者的所有需求:漂亮的房屋,晴好的天气,但却彻底抹消了社区和自然环境。”
这部电影最初是对住房危机的隐喻开始的,该住房危机已经超过了爱尔兰,以及围绕30年代预期的典型生活步骤的千禧一代焦虑:买房,有家庭,安顿下来。 “我们正在努力寻找一个怪物,并挖掘年轻人的焦虑。就像他们真正害怕的那样。他们并不真正害怕怪物和东西;他们更害怕自己的生活。 变得无聊了。当他们陷入被原本没想到会陷入的生活中时,他们的希望和梦想就消逝了,”芬尼根说。
The film initially began as a metaphor for the housing crisis that’s been overtaking Ireland, as well as millennial anxieties surrounding the typical life steps that are expected in your 30s: buying a house, having a family, settling down in the ‘burbs. “We were trying to come up with a monster for our time and dig into the anxieties that young people have. Like what are they actually afraid of. They aren’t really afraid of monsters and stuff; they’re more afraid of their lives becoming boring. Their hopes and dreams withering away as they get trapped in lives that they hadn’t expected to get trapped in,” said Finnegan.
然后,一切都变了。 在我与Finnegan交谈的一周之内,由于新型冠状病毒的发生,世界发生了巨大变化。 突然,成千上万的人们被告知要在可预见的将来呆在家里,并进行社会疏离。 艾森伯格(Eisenberg)正准备离开人满为患的洛杉矶市,而联合主演伊莫金·波特(Imogen Poots)则被困在伦敦的家中。 Vivarium中的主题焕然一新。
Then, everything changed. Within a week of when I spoke to Finnegan, the world shifted drastically as a result of the novel coronavirus. Suddenly, millions were being told to stay inside their homes for the foreseeable future and practice social distancing. Eisenberg was gearing up to leave the overcrowded city of Los Angeles, and co-star Imogen Poots was holed up in her home in London. And the themes in Vivarium took on a new light.
艾森伯格说:“我认为这部电影是您成婚,买房或生孩子前一天晚上的噩梦。这是我们所有无意识地担心过正常生活的发烧梦,” 他还出演了抵抗运动,这是著名的法国哑剧演员马塞尔·马索(Marcel Marceau)的传记。 “事实上,这部电影即将上映,当我们在我们目前所处的超现实世界中观看电影时,我认为这将唤起一种不同的感觉,因为我们所有人都进入了这种幽闭恐惧症的生活,那里存在着阴险的恐惧。 神秘,因为它很危险。”
“I thought of this movie as the nightmare you would have the night before you got married or bought a house or had a child. This is kind of a fever dream of all of our unconscious fears ABOut having a normal life,” said Eisenberg, who also stars in the Resistance, a biopic on the famous French mime Marcel Marceau. “The fact that the movie is coming out now, when seeing it in the context of this surreal world we currently find ourselves in, I think it will evoke a different kind of feeling as we all enter this claustrophobic life where there’s insidious fear that is mysterious as it is dangerous.”
Poots说:“显而易见的事情被困住了,但与此同时,是当构成一个人的所有事情都被带走或重组时,[你的角色]的想法。” “我和我的男朋友第一次看过《寂静的地方》,我很喜欢。但是现在看这真的很奇怪,因为这种[当前情况]感觉像电影。”
“The obvious thing is being trapped, but alongside that is [the idea of] what’s your role when all the things that make you up as a person have been taken away or reassembled,” said Poots. “My boyfriend and I watched A Quiet Place for the first time, and I loved it. But it was really strange watching that now because this [current situation] feels cinematic.”
很难说我们的现实世界感觉不像是一部恐怖电影,Vivarium探索了我们作为一个社会正在经历的许多现实。 汤姆(Tom)和杰玛(Gemma)被关在家里,疯狂地疯狂,数着被囚禁的日子。 他们醒来,吃早餐,四处推杆,尝试寻找逃生路线,吃更多东西,上床睡觉,第二天再做一遍。 他们在精神和身体上都在努力寻找摆脱困境的方法,甚至了解周围发生的事情。 它是黑暗无形的威胁。 听起来都很熟悉,不是吗?
It’s hard to argue that our real world doesn’t feel a bit like a horror film, and Vivarium explores many of the realities we as a society are currently experiencing. Tom and Gemma are confined in their home, going stir crazy and counting the days of their captivity. They wake up, eat breakfast, putter around, try to find an escape route, eat more, go to bed, and do it all again the next day. They struggle mentally and physically to find a way out of their nightmare, and to even understand what is happening around them. It’s dark and invisible, and a threat. It all sounds pretty familiar, doesn’t it?
这对夫妇还被迫为一个迅速成长的孩子做父母,这个孩子似乎被阴险地照顾着他们,似乎在惹他们。 这个孩子用自己确切的声音模仿他们的论点,长时间尖叫,通常令人不安地令人毛骨悚然。 虽然实际的父母与子女孤立,可能不会把他们的后代视为寄生的孩子形怪物,但Vivarium确实触及了整天呆在一个小暴君中的疲惫和沮丧。
The couple is also forced to parent a rapidly growing child that has been insidiously placed in their care seemingly to mess with them. The child mimics their arguments in their exact voices, screams for long periods of time, and generally is upsettingly creepy. While actual parents isolated with their children may not see their offspring as parasitic kid-shaped monsters, Vivarium does touch upon the exhaustion and frustration of being inside all day with a tiny tyrant.
“Once again, it feels surreal to think ABOut it now, because I’m cooped up in a car with my own kid who I don’t view that way, thank goodness. But it certainly puts everyone on edge,” said Eisenberg.
也许看着Vivarium并看到自己的戏剧化倒影(可能与我们尖叫的孩子一起困在我们的家中)可能是一种有价值的暴露疗法。 而且,如果芬尼根(Finnegan)得到了他想要的东西,那么这个故事将使我们所有人永远受到创伤,这将使我们成为更好的人。
Maybe watching Vivarium and seeing a dramatized reflection of ourselves, stuck in our homes, possibly with our screaming children, might be a valuable form of exposure therapy. And, if Finnegan gets what he wants, we’ll all be “traumatized forever” by the story, which will lead us to become better people.
他说:“希望它能使人们流连忘返,使人们思考我们的生活。” “如果您持乐观态度,总会感觉事情正在发生变化。我是一种乐观的人。我认为情况会有所改善。然后我们可以看电影,让我们考虑这些事情并变得更好。”
“Hopefully it lingers and makes [people] think ABOut how we are living our lives,” he said. “There’s always the impression, if you’re optimistic, that things are changing. I’m an optimistic type. I think things will improve. Then we can watch movies that make us think ABOut these things and change for the better.”